Saturday, August 1, 2020

Back to School! See You In Google Classroom 8/3/20 8 am

Melanie Taylor, teacher
xxxxx instructional assistant,
Silverado High School Office
Administor xxxxx

Back to School!
I hope you and all of yours are well, doing great. My family and I are well also.
We will continue Remote Teaching with some changes.

Your student must log into Google Classroom 
EVERY MORNING at 8:00 am. Monday-Friday
The Google Meet invitation will daily be sent to your student’s school email.
You can find the invitation in Google Calendars. 

We will follow the District’s calendar of school attendance and holidays.
Attendance is mandatory for Silverado, and will be reported
to VVUHSD and the Department of Education of the State of
There will be times I will expect you to assist in an activity or
lesson. We want to do the best for our students, and our
services through Google Classroom is central for your
student’s learning. (Instructions on logging into Google Classroom included.)

Our schedule will include these subjects: Functional English,
PE,  Functional Science, Functional Social Studies,
Functional Math, and Vocational. You will receive a
detailed daily and weekly hourly schedule of Google Classroom Meets,
as well as scheduled individual tutoring sessions through
Google Classroom Meets for your student.

We have a new Instructional Assistant in our classroom who
will work with our students on Google Meet and online instruction.

Instructions for signing onto Google Classroom and Meet
is included in this email.
Thanks! Ms. Taylor